June, 2009

Greene Parc

The time has come for more comic offerings, this time with Girl Friday Productions. Greene Parc written by Roslyn Ure and Emma Sweeney will be coming to life towards the end of this year, keep up to date and meet some of the characters at http://www.girlfridayproductions.co.uk. Judy Jacob at Beggars Velvet will be putting the Canon EOS Mark II through its paces as Film Director & Filmmaker closely mentored by Benny 'crime' James and his TV Drama experience. Paul Sweeney has cast some greats and will be Directing performance so we can concentrate on making everything visually stunning. This will also be my first opportunity to work alongside Jo Cullis who will be Costume Stylist & Props, she makes everything look fantastic so we are in very safe hands there. Looking forward to getting started, the first read through last month got the creative juices flowing, now its head down into storyboarding...