September, 2010
Viregalia by Di Mainstone
The fabulous Di Mainstone recently moved into a studio space at the Village Underground. Di creates interactive costume and theatre. Musical prosthetics, kinetic couture, wearable graffiti, and sensory-skins, I love her work and she mentioned she had some stop motion footage of a short film she had shot from her residency in New York. The film followed her creation 'Viregalia', a strain of urban virus, which once engaged, romp and cavort on the backs of their host, throwing them into a playful, yet obligatory ‘ballet of the sidewalk’. Working with the footage of Viregalia was a lot of fun with it's jerky movements and the changes in the light creating rythms within the stop motion. We edited the video to Bjorks 'Declare Independence' and Ed Dowie created an tailor made soundtrack for the piece to be shown at festivals.